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molecule modeling software

Martin Kroeker martin at tutor.oc.chemie.th-darmstadt.de
Sat Oct 12 06:09:16 EST 1996

Roy A. Lanning II (ralann at ix.netcom.com) wrote:
: My daughter would like to know if anyone knows of any inexpensive molecule
: modeling software. She is a junior in biology. Any suggestions will be
: appreciated. Thank you.                Roy Lanning
It would help if you could be more specific about the operating system and
about your definition of 'molecule modeling'. If she only wants to display
3D structures of e.g. the proteins from the Brookhaven databank, your best
bet would be RasMol from ftp://ftp.dcs.ed.ac.uk, which is available for
MSwindows, Mac and Unix systems. Also look around on ftp://kekule.osc.edu,
or ask again if she needs a structure editor or geometry optimization/quantum 
chemistry software.
Dr.-Ing. Martin Kroeker                 
Inst. f. Organ. Chemie                   martin at oc2.oc.chemie.th-darmstadt.de
Univ. (TH) Darmstadt                           db7p at hrzpub.th-darmstadt.de

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