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Visualizing Structural Biology with DINO

Ansgar Philippsen aphilipp at NOSPAM.bioz.unibas.ch
Wed Aug 18 12:32:32 EST 1999

Announcing new software for structural biology:

DINO, a realtime 3D visualization tool for structural biology data

Version 0.7.5 is available for free from the homepage at:


DINO aims to visualize structural data obtained from x-ray
structural NMR, electron and atomic-force microscopy and bioinformatics
as molecular dynamics, structure prediction, molecular surface
calculation or
electrostatic potential calculations).

DINO incorporates five different data types: structure (for atomic
data and trajectories), surface (for molecular and solvent accessible
scalar field (for electron density, reconstructed EM density or
potentials), topograph (for height fields generated by AFM) and

Input formats:
PDB (coordinates), CNS/XPLOR (coordinates and electron densities), CCP4
(electron densities), CHARMM (coordinates and trajectories), UHBD
potentials), MEAD (coordinates and electrostatic potentials) MSMS
MSP (surfaces), TIFF (topograph)

Output formats:
TIFF (scaleable), RGB (scaleable), PostScript, Raster3D, POV-ray

DINO uses realtime 3D visualization provided by the OpenGL library. It
runs in
an X-windows environment and binaries are provided for SGI, DEC-Alpha
and Linux
(i386 and PPC). The source code is not provided at this time.

Please note that the current version is considered beta. Most planned
have been implemented, however, and current work is dedicated to
improving code
robustness, hunting bugs and implementing more formats.

For more information and example pictures, please visit the homepage at


For comments, questions, bug reports, etc please mail to

dino at bioz dot unibas dot ch

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