KWBLAN00 at wrote:
: In article <shelvey.12.000A98C6 at>
:shelvey at (Rob Shelvey) writes:
: >Does anybody out there know why some people get bitten by mosquitoes
: >alot more than other people. I got bitten over 50 times in one night yet
: >my girlfriend didn't get bitten once. Is there some natural repellents
: >the body gives off ?
: >What are the best repllents to use against these pests? Any info greatly
: >appreciated.
: You are not the first to observe this. There is presently research
: being performed to attempt to identify what component of the human
: sweat or odor is the atractant or repellent. I have not read anything that
: indicates exactly what the componets are associated with. All I can sugest
: is to use a repellentwith upto 30% DEET. It is the bestking repellent
: known.
But, do be careful with the DEET--it will attack plastics, eg. steering
wheels, eyeglasses, binoculars and cameras; it's powerful stuff. When I
spent time in Everglades, I saturated a light-weight hooded cotton jacket
with the stuff, let it dry, and then wore it, and that worked pretty well.
For sleeping, I recommend mosquito netting even though it's a hassle. I
wouldn't trust myself to keep my DEETed fingers our of my eyes while I was
sleeping, and I don't like the smell of that stuff anyway.
Kathleen Anderson
vstr18a at