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C. Alex Buerkle CBUERKLE at sunflower.bio.indiana.edu
Fri Jul 22 13:30:18 EST 1994

In article <19940721.133519.642594.NETNEWS at UICVM.UIC.EDU>, Bruce L. Lambert
<bruce at ludwig.pmad.uic.edu> wrote:

> You guys are the experts. Can you tell me about chiggers? What is their
> life cycle? How can they be gotten rid of, etc. Any and all info would be
> helpful.
Having had ample opportunity to experiment with different methods of
preventing chiggers from attaching to my skin, I've found that sulfur
powder is the best repellant.  I put it in an old sock and simply pat in on
my socks and on the clothes around my waist.  In the field I invariably
wear long pants which seem to restrict chiggers to coming in at the ankle
or at the waist.  I keep the sulfur in the sock and reapply it each time I
go in the field.  It is much less noxious than DEET (concentrated DEET will
dissolve plastics).  Sulfur powder is very effective, inexpensive, and can
be found commonly in pharmacies and drug-stores.
C. Alex Buerkle, Indiana University, Biology, Bloomington,  IN 47405
cbuerkle at sunflower.bio.indiana.edu  Ph:812-855-5895 Fax:812-855-0411

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