Have you tried a medline search of chagas disease crossed with
drugs or therapeutics? When you get your hits back then search the hit
list with "Review in PT" This will find the review articles from the
list of hits.
Steve Kayes
On 4 Aug 1995, Charlie Bond wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm currently writing a thesis and am looking for short cuts in finding
> some references!
> Could anyone tell me of any recent review articles on the state of the
> art in chemotherapy of Chagas' disease (American trypanosomiasis -
> causal agent: trypanosoma cruzi).
> The most recent I have is
> Marr & Docampo, "Chemotherapy for Chagas' disease: a perspective of
> current therapy & considerations for future research." Rev.Infect.Dis.
> *:884 (1986).
> Any more recent ones?
> Yours in grateful anticipation,
> Charlie