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>>> 1 SHIMIZU Seishi Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
> 2 Yuichi Nishihara Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
> 3 Hirohisa TANIGUCHI Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
> 4 Takashi Tomoeda Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
> 5 Tomoki KOBAYASHI Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
> 6 Munehito ARAI Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
> 7 Akira Okazaki Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
> 8 Atsushi Matsumura Physics, Tohoku University, Japan
> 9 Kouta Yamamoto Chemistry,Tohoku University,Japan
> 10 Yasushi UJIOKA Degremont S.A., France
> 11 Toru Hara Universite de Paris Sud, France
> 12 Rene Bakker CEA - Sacley, France
> 13 David Garzella Universite de Paris Sud, France
> 14 Henk Blok Vrije Universiteit/NIKHEF, Amsterdam
> 15 Igor Passchier NIKHEF, Amsterdam
> 16 Ard van Sighem NIKHEF, Amsterdam
> 17 Johan Noordhoek KOL Leiden
> 18 C.M.C.M. van Woerkens Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory, Leiden
> 19 Annemarie Borst, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
> 20 Gijs Nelemans Universiteit Utrecht
> 21 Susanne Buiter Universiteit Utrecht
> 22 Yvo Kok Paleomagnetic Lab., Utrecht
> 23 Thom Pick Paleomagnetic Lab., Utrecht University
> 24 Dagmar Olbertz Universiteit Utrecht
> 25 Eleonore Stutzmann Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France
> 26 Nicole Girardin Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France
> 27 Francois Girardin Ecole Nat. Sup. des Telecommunications,France
> 28 Axel Manthey Comnets RWTHJ Aachen, Germany
> 29 Frank Brockners LfBS RWTH Aachen, Germany
> 30 Marcus Dormanns LfBS RWTH Aachen, Germany
> 31 Roger Butenuth Uni (GH) Paderborn, Germany
> 32 Markus Mock University of Washington, Seattle, USA
> 33 Vera Britto University of Michigan, USA
> 34 Sergio Chavez Seismological Lab, University of Nevada, Reno, USA.
> 35 Claudio C. de Lima Universite Rennes I-FRANCE / Petrobras SA Brasil
> 36 Bertrand Delouis Institut de Physique du Globe de Strabourg, France
> 37 Denis Legrand Institut de Physique du Globe de Strasbourg, France
> 38 Robert Pillet ORSTOM Noumea (Nouvelle Caledonie)
> 39 Pierre Lebellegard ORSTOM Noumea (Nouvelle Caledonie)
> 40 Bertrand Toussaint ORSTOM Villefranche s/mer (France)
> 41 Pierre Leopold CNRS Villefranche s/mer (France)
> 42 Richard Gordon University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada
> 43 Michael Borowitzka Murdoch University, Perth, Australia
> 44 Kevin Bancroft Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia
> 45 Luc De Bruyn Univ. of Antwerp (RUCA), Antwerp, Belgium
46 Yvan Rahbe INRA - INSA Lyon, Villeurbanne France
47 Marina Caillaud INRA, Le Rheu-Rennes, France
48 Hermann Niemeyer Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
49 Christoph Esch Zool. Forschungsinstitut und Museum Koenig, Bonn, Germany
Dear Madams/Sirs,
This is a chain letter to urge the french
government to stop nuclear tests.
If you agree with us, please add your name to the list above,
and send copies to your friends.
We will add up the lists that had come back to us, and send it
to the French Government.
If you happen to be the hundredth,two hundredth, three hundredth,
and so on, on the list, please send a copy of the mail back to the
addresses below, so that we can keep track of this project. If you have
any comment please send mails to us. And also,
if you are multi-lingual and have friends who may not understand
English, please translate this message and add it to the end of the mail.
Thank you very much.
******* addresses of the organizers
shimizu at femto.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jpkeshi at uticeaix1.icepp.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp <- please use this adress
Hermann M. Niemeyer
Departamento de Ciencias Ecol=F3gicas
Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad de Chile
Casilla 653
Santiago, Chile
Phone +56 2 678 7260 (secretary)
+56 2 271 1116 (direct)
Fax +56 2 271 7503
Christoph Esch
Adenauerallee 160 Fon: +49-(0)228/9122-298, -296
D-53113 BONN Fax: +49-(0)228/9122-296
Germany Fax: +49-(0)228/21 69 79
E-mail: unb702 at IBM.RHRZ.UNI-BONN.DE