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Update to Microbial Underground WWW Site :-)

Mark Pallen m.pallen at ic.ac.uk
Thu Mar 14 08:56:00 EST 1996

Hi folks!

Sorry about the duplication of this posting--I, like a fool, left out 
the title on the first posting, and without a title I doubt that many 
people would read it! ;-)

Anyhow, I am pleased to announce that I have just completed the latest 
update to my WWW site "the Microbial Underground". You can now access 
the site through servers in the UK or in the US:


There are many new links on the microbiology page and a few extra links 
on the molecular biology page. 

I have also created a page for newbies:


This newbie page has links to the four hypertext artcicles that make up 
my Guide to the Internet for Medical Practitioners, which was published 
late last year in the British Medical Journal. These articles contain 
many hypertext references to all sorts of Internet resources--please 
explore and enjoy them!!

I have also included an HTML version of the introduction to my first 
year PhD report on Salmonella  and stationary phase. This document 
contains links from many of the references I cite to the abstracts held 
by Entrez. Via Entrez you can also retrieve the sequences related to the 
cited papers or explore related references:


I hope you enjoy the new links and find the site useful! :-)

Oh, and yes I  know there are a couple of out of date links--I'll try 
and fix 'em soon, but *remember* I am doing a fulltime PhD in the 
daytime and ministering to the needs of the results of my latest home 
cloning experiment(http://www.qmw.ac.uk/~rhbm001/latestpallen.html or
in the evenings and weekends, so that it's harder than ever to keep the 
site neat, tidy and up-to-date! If there is anything you want added to 
the site, please let me know.


Dr Mark Pallen, Senior Lecturer in Medical Microbiology,
St Bartholomew's Hospital Medical College, London, EC1A 7BE
currently on a Research Leave Fellowship at Imperial College 
Rm 502, Dept of Biochem, Imperial College, London, SW7 2AY
email:m.pallen at ic.ac.uk  WWW: http://www.qmw.ac.uk/~rhbm001/mpallen.html
phone: day ++44(0)1715945254, eves ++44(0)1815057937, FAX 
"My country is the world and my religion is to do good..." 
Thomas Paine

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