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BBC TV Natural History of the Human Body

KathyBarnby Kathy.Barnby at bbc.co.UK
Thu Mar 21 09:07:01 EST 1996

BBC Needs Help With Natural History of Human Body

The BBC are making a series of programmes about the Human Body. 
They will illustrate what science can currently tell us about how 
the human body works and how it evolved. If you have research 
that you think would help us to visualise human biological 
processes in a new and enlightening way, please 
contact me at kathy.barnby at bbc.co.uk
*+44.181.752.6210 and fax +44.181.752 6810 in London.

I would love to see examples of images created by new 
technologies such as magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, 
computer analysis of X-ray and PET scans. Also film or video 
images, no matter how old, which show the processes of our 
bodies. We want to illustrate human life from conception, through 
foetal development, into babyhood, childhood, before and after 
puberty, the ageing process, death and beyond. 

Examples of the moments we might capture on film are: 
1 Parasitic lice living on eye lashes
2 moving images of the stages of development of worms or 
parasites in the gut and cirulatory system.     
3 Light microscope, Electron microscope of Protozoans, bacteria 
and viruses.(We need stunningly good still pictures to animate)

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