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Parasite Images WWW Site

Thu Mar 21 17:28:52 EST 1996

Although this is probably  old news to some of you (through links from 
the ASP and University of Queensland pages), I believe it may be time to 
officially publicise the QUT Parasitology Pages.


Hopefully now free of bugs and odd things happening with the table of 
contents, the QUT Parasitology Pages offer some links to areas of 
parasitological interest and an extensive list of jpeg images of human 
parasites (some excellent, some poor quality). These pages were set up in 
the face of rising student numbers in the parasitology courses taught at 
the Queensland University of Technology and a deteriorating clinical 
collection and disappearing library books. They are meant as a secondary 
source of information to our students, a resource base for academics who 
do not normally teach in the area of parasitology and an opportunity to 
introduce students to some of the resources the internet has to offer.

The images are originals, taken from the QUT Clinical Parasitology 
collection (hence the varying quality) and each features the name of the 
parasite, the stage indicated and (if necessary) an approximate scale bar.

I hope that other people can find this resource useful. I have received 
some excellent advice so far from people who have stumbled across it in 
their travels and would appreciate any feedback on the subject. Due to 
the vagaries of the computer account systems hereabouts, comments might 
have a better chance of getting to me if sent to the address at the top 
of this message (darben at redash.qut.edu.au), rather than the mail link on the 

thanks for your attention and comments,

Peter Darben
School of Life Science
Queensland University of Technology
Brisbane, Australia
"No longer making the world safe from pig worms - you're on your own now 

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