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Hello All: "Beaver fever?"

Michael Casteel Arhat at gnn.com
Fri Mar 29 18:03:33 EST 1996

Beavers (Castor canadensis) have been implicated in waterborne 
transmission of Giardia (see Wilson et al., (1986) Waterborne 
giardiasis outbreak - Alberta. Canada Diseases Weekly Report 8-20, 
97-98) but Erlandsen et al. ((1988) Cross-species transmission of 
Giardia spp.: Inoculation of beavers and muskrats with cysts of 
human, beaver, mouse and muskrat origin. App. Envr. Microbiol. 54: 
2777-2785) demonstrated that there is evidence for cross-species 
transmission. It is likely that Giardia can exist in a wide variety 
of mammalian hosts. As to species differences, there is Giardia 
lamblia, Giardia muris, Giardia agilis, Giardia psittaci, Giardia 
microtus, G. ondatrae, and G. ardae.... I don't know if the other 
species are known to infect human hosts. 

p.s. Beware of those 'gut' feelings when you are working with 
intestinal protozoa - ha-ha. I know, I know - bad joke.

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