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Good Specialist in Los Angeles

Julie Tonning julie at csci.csusb.edu
Sat May 1 16:37:53 EST 1999

 I think what you might be suffering from is a syndrome called
Dellusional Parasitology, all the symptoms that you have listed could in
fact be related to to your physiological response to stress and such.
Low sex drive, weight loss, racing pulse and many of the symptoms that
you have listed seem to fit this category.  Have you tried therapy yet?
It seems as if you're very traumatized by the experience. Who knows,
give it a shot. and good luck.

Kahni Duong

Dr. Peter W. Pappas wrote:

> The group of symptoms that you describe don't sound as if they are the
> result of a parasitic infection.  Also, four negative stool samples
> suggest that you are not infected with a gastrointestinal parasite.
> However, you might contact someone (I don't know who) at the UCLA
> School of Public Health or Medical School.  Because of the large
> emigrant population in southern California, parasitic infections are
> more common there than in many other parts of the US, and I know that
> UCLA used to be (a number of years ago) actively involved in the
> diagnosis and treatment of these infections.
>      Jeremy Goldberg wrote in message ...Does anyone know of a
>      good Parasite Specialist in the Los Angeles area? I got very
>      sick approximately two years ago in VietNam after eating
>      smoked salmon.  Ever since then I have had numerous health
>      problems, including:
>         * stomach bloating
>         * intestinal gas (foul smelling)
>         * feelings of incomplete elimination
>         * nausea after eating
>         * nonstop intense hunger
>         * occasional hives (doesn't seem food-related)
>         * gone from 130 lbs to 116 lbs in two years
>         * somewhat frequent dull headaches
>         * poor digestion
>         * fungal skin problems on neck and back
>         * extremely low sex drive (last six months)
>         * eyesight blurring in left eye (within the last year)
>         * stomach convulsions (halted by Activated Charcoal
>           tablets)
>         * constipation
>         * extreme fatigue (comes and goes)
>         * racing pulse (usually nights and evenings - sometimes
>           seems food-related)
>      I have had two parasite stool tests (two repetitions each)
>      that both came out negative so the parasite possibility was
>      dismissed by my doctors.  After lots of other lab tests (and
>      expense) by lots of doctors, however, no one can come up
>      with a reasonable explanation and all this did start the day
>      after I got very bad food poisoning in VietNam.  I've been
>      given digestive enzymes, vitamins, and so on with no help
>      whatsoever.  I eat an extremely healthy diet, I don't smoke,
>      drink or do any drugs at all. Any recommendations would be
>      much appreciated.  I have recently considered everything
>      from empirical treatment with Niclosamide or Praziquantel to
>      seeing a Chinese Doctor that specializes in gastrointestinal
>      problems - especially parasites.  Not quite sure what to do,
>      but somewhat worried about everything I've read about
>      parasites.  Particularly worried about eyesight blurring in
>      my left eye and the fatigue that just seems to get worse.
>      -- JAG
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