About the phenotypic changes induced by parasites, a very good revision is
in the paper of Poulin & Thomas Parsitol. Today 15:28-32.1999. The great
number of references help to understand this intriging process,
Prof. J.H. Patarroyo
At 16:03 24/05/99 -0500, James Mahaffy wrote:
>Russell Farris wrote:
>>>> Can anyone point me to examples of parasites modifying the behaviour of
>> their hosts, particularly their eating preferences? Thanks.
>>>> Russ Farris
>>There are several flukes that have an ant intermediate host after the
>snail that alter the ant behavior in an amazing way. in Dicrocoelium
>dendriticum (from Schmidt and robert 3rd edition) some of the
>metacercaria in the ant migrate to the subesophageal ganglion and modify
>its behavior so instated of going into their holes as any decent ant
>would they migrate to the tops of grass in the cool of the evening,
>which puts them in a good spot for being eaten my a sheep. Great
>I am not a parasitologists but I like parasites and used it in my
>Zoology class the last couple of years. You want another great story
>about how a parasite attracts a next host look at Leuochloridium.
>James Mahaffy (mahaffy at dordt.edu) Phone: 712 722-6279
>Biology Department FAX : 712 722-1198
>Dordt College, Sioux Center IA 51250
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