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kato-Katz Kits

Joaquin Hernan Patarroyo S. jpatarro at MAIL.UFV.BR
Fri May 28 09:09:40 EST 1999

John: Please contact the Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz at Rio de Janeiro or Rene
Rachou Institute at Belo Horizonte Brazil.

Prof. J.H. Patarroyo

At 09:27 28/05/99 -0400, John M. Hawdon wrote:
>	Anyone know where to purchase kits for doing  Kato-Katz egg counts? I
>seem to remember a company in Brazil that makes them. Can anyone help?
>Thanks in advance
>John M. Hawdon, Ph.D.                    
>Medical Helminthology Laboratory         
>Yale University School of Medicine      
>501 LEPH   60 College St.                    
>New Haven CT 06520                       
>tel: (203) 737-2926  Fax: (203) 785-7552 
>john.hawdon at yale.edu
* Laboratorio de Biologia e Controle de Hematozoarios *
* Instituto de Biotecnologia Aplicada a Agropecuaria  *
* Departamento de Veterinaria / BIOAGRO               *
* Universidade Federal de Vicosa                      *
* 36.571-000 - VICOSA - MG - BRASIL                   *
*         http://www.ufv.br                           *
*         http://www.bioagro.ufv.br                   *
*         Fone: 55+31+8992910                         *
*         Fax: 55+31+8992864                         *

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