IUBio GIL .. BIOSCI/Bionet News .. Biosequences .. Software .. FTP


naidu shawna lynn snaidu at uxa.cso.uiuc.edu
Wed Aug 11 12:18:30 EST 1993

HELP PLEASE:  I am attempting to measure the temperature response of dark
respiration in leaves with a Hansetech oxygen electrode.  It seems that it
takes about 30 to 60 minutes for the  pressure in the chamber to equilibrate
after changing the temperature (which I do by switching between two water 
baths so the actual temperature change is fast, although it may take a while
for the actual chamber to equilibrate) before I can even get a steady
respiration rate.  Even then, my values don't seem real (they bounce all over
the place instead of increasing with temperature).  I have considered that 
the problem may be one of two things:
	1) I have not taken into account how temperature changes may 
	affect the instrument calibration.
	2) It takes so long to make the measurement that the leaf is
	no longer functioning normally (i.e. the measurements are not
	physiologically meaningful).
Short of using a new leaf for each temperature point (I don't have the
tissue nor the time for this) can anyone suggest any solutions?  I would be
greatful for any comments or suggestions of other methods as well.  Thanks.  
* Shawna      snaidu at uxa.cso.uiuc.edu |The opinions expressed are not  *
* Plant Biology at UIUC               |necessarily my own.             *

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