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postdoctoral position

Henrik Vibe Scheller scheller at biobase.dk
Sun Jun 16 13:37:09 EST 1996

            Postdoctoral scientist in photosynthesis
Applications are invited for a post as postdoctoral scientist in
photosynthesis at the Plant Biochemistry Laboratory, KVL (The Royal
Veterinary and Agricultural University). The appointment is expected
to be effective from August 1st, 1996 or as soon as possible thereafter.
The post is funded by a grant for biotechnology research. The aim of
the project is to study structure/function relationships in
photosystem I and in the related reaction center complex from green
sulfur bacteria. The research includes transformation and
reconstitution experiments using barley and Chlorobium vibrioforme.

The successful applicant should be a highly motivated scientist with
a proven record demonstrating a strong background in molecular biology
and biochemistry. Experience in microbiology will be an additional

Applications must contain a full curriculum vitae with documentation
for academic degrees, a complete list of publications, copies of
publications that the applicant wishes to be included in the
assessment, names and phone number of at least too references and a
list of all enclosures.
Salary and terms of employment will be in accordance with the
agreement between the Ministry of Finance and AC (the Federation of
Graduate Employee Unions). The postdoctoral position is funded as a
temporary position for 12 months with possibility of extension to
three years.
Further information about the post may be obtained from the project
leader, Dr. Henrik Vibe Scheller
tel. (+45) 35 28 33 54, e-mail: scheller at biobase.dk
Applications marked 621-164 must be submitted in duplicate
to KVL (The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University),
Administration Bulowsvej 13, DK-1870 Frederiksberg C,
Copenhagen, Denmark not later than 24 June 1996, 12.00 pm.

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