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Request for help on ERPC

Robert S Knox rknox at frontiernet.net
Sun Mar 5 11:48:14 EST 2000

To those who attended Woods Hole ERPC (Eastern Regional Photosynthesis
Conference) meetings in earlier days:

I have been trying to build up an archive of program booklets for this
conference.  With the great help of John Biggins, Doug Bruce, Tom Owens,
and a couple of other people I have all but five.   If you have any of the
following I will greatly appreciate getting them, or borrowing them to
make copies:

  #2 (1985), #3 (1986), #4 (1987), #6 (1989), and #7 (1990).

Many thanks.   Bob Knox

Robert S. Knox                            |  Home:
Department of Physics and Astronomy       |  55 Beckwith Terrace
University of Rochester                   |  Rochester, NY 14610-2801
Rochester, NY 14627-0171                  |  Phone 716-271-8328
Phone 716-275-8572                        |  Fax  716-242-0851

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