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Graduate Assistantships in Plant Molecular Sciences Virginia Tech,

Dr. John M. McDowell johnmcd at vt.edu
Mon Mar 13 16:10:55 EST 2000

Graduate Assistantships in Plant Molecular Sciences
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg

Research/teaching assistantships are available for studies leading to an
M.S. or Ph.D. degree.  The faculty listed below are using contemporary
biochemical, genetic, and genomics-based approaches to address basic and
applied problems in the plant sciences:  Glenda Gillaspy-signal
transduction; John Jelesko-meiotic recombination; John
McDowell-plant/pathogen interactions; Jim Westwood-plant/plant
interactions. Virginia Tech is among the top 50 US research universities
in terms of federal funding, and is rapidly expanding in the areas of
biological sciences and biotechnology. Blacksburg is located in an
attractive mountain setting and contains all of the standard college
town amenities as well as exceptional outdoor recreation opportunities
(http://www.bev.net/).  Interested individuals should contact John
McDowell, johnmcd at vt.edu, 540-231-2388.


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