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Graduate Assistantship in whole plant gas exchange

Marc van Iersel mvanier at gaes.griffin.peachnet.edu
Wed Mar 15 10:50:27 EST 2000

A graduate assistantship (PhD) is available in the Horticulture Department
of The University of Georgia.  Possible research areas include:
- Separating growth and maintenance respiration of plants throughout their
development, using whole plant CO2 exchange measurements
- Responses of whole plant gas exchange to various environmental conditions
(atmospheric CO2 concentration, light intensity, temperature)

This research will be conducted with a state of the art, multi-chamber,
whole plant CO2 exchange system, which semi-continuously measures plant CO2
exchange rates over prolonged periods (weeks) (van Iersel and Bugbee, 2000,
J. Amer. Soc, Hort. Sci. 125(1):86-92).

Interested students should have a strong background in plant physiology.
For more information please contact:

Marc van Iersel
Assistant professor
Department of Horticulture
The University of Georgia
1109 Experiment Street
Griffin, GA 30223-1797

Tel: (770) 412-4766
Fax: (770) 412-4764


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