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Relational Databases to ID plants

Richard W.H. Price rwhp100 at cam.ac.uk
Thu Dec 7 12:29:42 EST 1995

On 6 Dec 1995, Arthur Schwarz wrote:

> Hello,  Has anyone out there used relational databases to teach plant 
> identification?  If so, I would like to hear from you.  What problems, 
> pitfalls etc. did you encounter?  What advantages did you see over the 
> traditional keys?  I am interested in the names of suppliers of such 
> software as well as how well they work.  I am aware of the products & 
> services provided by XID of Pullman, Washington.  I am thinking of 
> developing such a database using the XID software.  Does anyone else use it?
> Please e-mail me.
> Thanks,
> Art Schwarz
> schwarza at gpu.srv.ualberta.ca
I am not sure that I understand what you mean by <<relational software>>. 
However I suggest that you get in touch with Dr Richard Pankhurst at 
the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, UK (richard at rbge.org.uk). He has 
developed some very nice software called PANKEY for the identification of 

Richard Price
Homerton College              
Cambridge CB2 2PH, UK
Voice:+44-(0)1223-411-141 ext.233
rwhp100 at cam.ac.uk

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