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Relational Databases to ID plants

Ross Koning Koning at ECSUC.CTSTATEU.EDU
Fri Dec 8 09:46:25 EST 1995

At  4:59 PM 12/6/95 +0000, Arthur Schwarz wrote:
>Hello,  Has anyone out there used relational databases to teach plant
>identification?  If so, I would like to hear from you.  What problems,

Art's message brings up another thought...
As plant science faculty at universitites,
we are often asked to identify small pieces
of plants, plant pests, and plant pathogens.
Does anyone know of Internet sites
(URLs) with good database engines for
assisting with that?  A database with
graphical support would be a fantastic
aid for some of us who are taxonomically-
challenged (that's me!).  I have seen the
Hunter botanical paintings collection
database, but you don't get the "diagnostic"
views you might need for identification.

In any case, if there is a great WWW site
out there, I'd like to hear about it.


( )______________________________________________)
 \ Ross Koning                                  \
  \ Biology Department                           \
   \ Eastern CT State University                  \
    \ Willimantic, CT  06226  USA                  \
     \ Koning at ecsu.ctstateu.edu                     \
      \ http://koning.ecsu.ctstateu.edu/default.html \
       \ Phone: 860-465-5327                          \
        ) Fax: 860-465-5213                            )

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