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Request for lab ideas

Mike Weber mweber at ccs.carleton.ca
Mon Dec 11 09:28:23 EST 1995

Seasons Greetings to All,

	And the season means that it is time to (re)write the lab manual
for next term.  We've decided to replace our plant lab for
introductory biology (photosynthesis and plant morphology) with something
which will (hopefully!) stimulate
students to become more interested in botany/plants in general.  Therein
lies the problem, what does an interesting plant lab contain or conversely
why are students so disinterested in photosynthesis and morphology?  The
reasoning is to try and counter the "I really hate plants" sentiments of
many students.  I think i remember a thread about this a while back??

	We have our own greenhouse with an extensive collection but i am a
little short on ideas as to exactly what would work.  Possibly some sort
of touchy-feely lab or something on plant propagation.  Does anyone have
experience with an exercise students like?  Should the approach be to try
and cater to their like of medical/economic facts regarding plants and
build a lab around practical uses?  Any and all suggestions would be
appreciated as the printer requires the manual verrry soon.

Thanks in advance to all,

Mike Weber
Dept. of Biology
Carleton University
Ottawa, Ontario
613-788-2600 (4493)
mweber at ccs.carleton.ca

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