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Plant Metabolism Textbook

Walter Schmid schmid at science.siu.edu
Mon Dec 11 15:33:47 EST 1995

Subject:    Plant Metabolism Textbook
A cohort of mine here at SIUC is scheduled to teach our plant metabolism
course in the Spring 1996 semester. 
The course is at the 400 level which means it is taken by graduate students
and also by upper division undergraduates. There is an associated lab. 
He had been planning on using the textbook by Anderson & Beardall entitled
"Molecular Activities of Plant Cells". 
He has just found out that the book is out of print and he is desperate to
find another text to use. 
We would appreciate any information or suggestions about such a book. 
It seems to me that this was discussed earlier this year either in
Plant-Biology or in Plant-Ed. But I don't have that material anymore. 
We will welcome suggestions andor advice. 
Thanks for your help. 
Walter E. Schmid
Plant Biology

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