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Job Announcement

Wed Dec 13 15:38:34 EST 1995

Job Announcement--Mycologist

The Department of Biology and Microbiology, University of Wisconsin 
Oshkosh, invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor 
starting September 1996.  Responsibilities include:  teach a course in 
Mycology; teach introductory course, Biological Concepts -- Diversity; 
develop an upper-level course in an area such as Phytopathology, Soil 
Microbiology, Mycorrhizal Biology, or Industrial Mycology; develop a 
mycological research program, pursue extramural funding, and supervise MS 
theses.  Ph.D. required; post-doctoral and teaching experience desirable.  
closing date:  February 15, 1996.  Send letter of application, resume, 
current letters of reference, and official transcripts to M. A. Rouf, 
Chair, Department of Biology and Microbiology, University of Wisconsin 
Oshkosh, Oshkosh, WI  54901.  AA/EOE.

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