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Greenhouse cataloging software?

Michael L Roginsky d_micro at ix.netcom.com
Thu Dec 14 17:10:53 EST 1995

In <4a5lm9$53v at citecuf.citec.qld.gov.au> Jennifer Marohasy
<marohaj at citec.qld.gov.au> writes: 
>elinton at rci.rutgers.edu (Eric W. Linton) wrote:
>>Does anyone know of a free, share or commercial software for
>>the contents of a greenhouse in order to make it accessible for
people at
>>a University (Professors and Grad students) to find out what and
>>things are located and some basic information about the plant in
>>The ability to include photos and hyperlinkes would be great.
>>Please send all replies to my email elinton at rci.rutgers.edu
>I run a number of glasshouses at research station, so I too would be 
>pleased to know if such software was available!  
>My name is Paul Kristiansen. I'm using my supervisor's computer and
>address for a while.
Hello guys.....I have a good friend that works shareware. He would be
the kind of guy to ask about it. His name is Richard Thompson, lives in
Acton, CA, just bellow the Antelope Valley. His email is rkt at qnet.com


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