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Diane Robertson robertdc at AC.GRIN.EDU
Fri Dec 15 09:16:05 EST 1995



Grinnell College invites applications for a tenure-track appointment
beginning August, 1996, in plant ecology at the rank of assistant
professor.  We seek candidates with proficiency in quantitative methods of
the discipline and a commitment to field research with the ability to teach
an advanced course in ecology using our field station and laboratory, an
introductory biology course in evolution and ecology, and a general
education course for non-majors.  Grinnell College is seeking candidates
with post-doctoral research experience who plan an active research program
involving undergraduates.  Start-up funds, excellent facilities, and
continuing support for research are available.  In their letters of
application, candidates should address their interest in undergraduate
teaching in a liberal-arts environment.  Send curriculum vitae, three
letters of recommendation, a statement of teaching and research interests
and copies of all transcripts to:  Professor Bruce Voyles
(voyles at ac.grin.edu), Ecology Search Committee, Department of Biology,
Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA 50112-0806, (515-269-3047).  To assure full
consideration, applications must be complete by January 26, 1996.  Grinnell
College is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer and especially
seeks women and minority candidates.

Diane C. Robertson
Biology Dept.
Grinnell College
Grinnell, Iowa  50112
robertdc at ac.grin.edu

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