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Fighting Canker

AAA aabdalla at pollux.usc.edu
Sat Dec 16 14:07:21 EST 1995


My father is currently working in southern Saudi Arabia as the plant
pathologist for a United Nations project to introduce citrus and fruit
trees into the region.  I myself am a Ph.D. candidate in computer science
here in the U.S., and consequently know next to nothing about plant
pathology so forgive me if I make some pretty strange remarks!

Anyway, here's the problem: recently my father detected what appears to
be canker on some trees in the project's farm.  All I know about canker
from my childhood conversations with my father is that it is one of the
worst two diseases that can happen to citrus (greening being the other one),
and that the only known cure is to burn down *everything*.  Now, I would
like to help my father in some way by getting as much information as
possible on this disease and sending it to him (he doesn't have internet
access there).  So several questions arise:

0. Who are some leading experts on canker, especially citrus canker,
	that I may contact?  I need at least their university affiliation
	though a phone number or email is best.

1. Are there any seminal articles in the last 10-20 years that discuss
	how to deal with canker short of destroying all the plants
	in the area?  My father got his ph.d. in 1967 or so; I wonder
	if the state-of-the-art is any different now?
	Journal references would be much appreciated, likewise books.

2. Are there any world wide web references on this subject?  Are there
	online databases of pest management, classifying canker and
	suggested approaches for fighting this disease?

3. Do you have any other advice or sources of advice on how I can collect
	information for my father?

It goes without saying that I am deeply grateful for any assistance
you may have to offer.  Please email me your reply as well as posting
just in case my news reader deletes any replies prematurely.

Ahmed A. Abd-Allah, aabdalla at usc.edu
Center for Software Engineering
University of Southern California

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