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Approved genetically altered plants

Martin E. Mulligan mulligan at kean.ucs.mun.ca
Sun Dec 17 09:42:17 EST 1995

There was a news item in the local paper last week about the "NewLeaf" 
potato being approved for human consumption by Health Canada.  I'm 
interested in knowing what other plants have received approval for 
release and what their genetic modifications are for a senior level 
molecular biology discussion course.  Does anyone have such a list or 
can you point me to a suitable web site?  I'm most interested in plants
that have received approval in Canada but I'd be interested in comparing
them with those that have been approved in the US or Europe as well

THanks for any help,

Martin Mulligan
Dept of Biochemistry
Memorial University of Newfoundland
mulligan at morgan.ucs.mun.ca

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