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ad spams and moderating this group

Peter Herman herman at populus.slu.se
Tue Dec 19 04:13:46 EST 1995

Jon Monroe (MONROEJD at VAX1.ACS.JMU.EDU) wrote:
: Dear plant-ed subscribers and readers:

: Regarding the recent ad spams that we have had to endure, I recommend simply
: deleting them and not responding.  If you reply to the group everyone will have
: to delete your message and it will go into the archives forever.  If you reply
: to the sender it will probably never reach them.  Often the sender's address is
: disguised.

: There is another option and that is to change this to a moderated group.  

I think that we can probably do without moderation for at least a while.  
Sadly, even moderation, cancelbots and other electronic wizardry are not 
foolproof anti-spam devices, though all reduce the trafic.


R. Peter Herman				email	Peter.Herman at mv.slu.se
Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet		Phone:	+46 18 67 12 20
Inst. f. Markvetenskap			Fax:	+46 18 67 27 95
S750 07 Uppsala, Sweden		

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