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Hoyer's mountant/fixative

David W. Kramer kramer.8 at OSU.EDU
Tue Dec 19 11:04:57 EST 1995

Joan Hudson asked:

>Could someone supply me with the recipe or the reference for the
>recipe for Hoyer's mountant/fixative.  Thank you.

Here it is:

Hoyer's Medium
        gum arabic                              30.0 g
        glycerol                                    16.0 ml
        chloral hydrate                    200.0 g
        distilled water                         50.0 ml

Dissolve gum in water, a little heat helps; add chloral hydrate, then glycerol.

This recipe from Humason, Gretchen L.  1967.  Animal Tissue Techniques.
2nd Ed.  San Francisco:  W. H. Freeman.  pages 131-132.  With this recipe
Humason cites Beek, R. M.  1951.  Improvements in the squash technic for
plant chromosomes.  El Aliso.  3: 131-133.

See also
Anderson, L. E.  1954.  Hoyer's solution as a rapid permanent mounting
medium for bryophytes.  Bryologist 57:  242-244.

[CAUTION:  I don't have the info at my finger tips but I think chloral
hydrate is carcinogenic.  You will want to check before using this with
students or even for yourself.]

Dr. David W. Kramer
Department of Plant Biology
Ohio State University at Mansfield
1680 University Drive
Mansfield, OH  44906
(419) 755-4344  FAX:  (419) 755-4367
e-mail:  kramer.8 at osu.edu

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