Dear Plant-ed:
Yesterday I asked for feedback on whether to moderate this group or not. I
received 27 replies of which 10 were YES, 12 were NO and 5 were indifferent.
Of the comments received, Bill Purves best stated the majority sentiment:
[slightly edited]
> My recommendation is that you NOT moderate the group.
> You don't need the aggravation. Note that a determined
> spammer could get around you, anyhow...
> What's really needed is the occasional reminder to the group
> to ignore spamming. It's tough, because we keep getting new
> readers who haven't yet learned this basic concept. But
> you can remind people of that monthly or bimonthly for a lot
> less grief than moderating thrice daily...
Others mentioned that their delete key works very well...
For now we will continue as is, unmoderated, but if the spaming gets worse we
should consider this issue again. Some of you expressed concern about the work
load on the moderator and, while I appreciate your concern, I don't think it
would be too much work. If it comes up again I will try harder to convince you
of that.
Thanks for your input. I have enjoyed being a part of this group, and hope you
all continue to use plant-ed and delete the spams as fast as you can!
Happy Holidays!
Jonathan Monroe voice: 540-568-6649 (office)
Department of Biology 540-568-6045 (lab)
James Madison University fax: 540-568-3333
Harrisonburg, VA 22807-0001 e-mail: monroejd at