Joan Hudson asked:
>Could someone supply me with the recipe or the reference for the
>recipe for Hoyer's mountant/fixative. Thank you.
And David W. Kramer provided the recipe and references AND said:
> [CAUTION: I don't have the info at my finger tips but I think chloral
> hydrate is carcinogenic. You will want to check before using this with
> students or even for yourself.]
I'm not aware of its being carcinogenic, but chloral hydrate IS a
controlled substance. You should be aware that, if you find some on
a back shelf, never spotted by the narcotics regulatory folks, you had
better take care of the legalities...
| William K. Purves phone: 909.626.4859 |
| Learning Consultants phone2: 909.621.8021 |
| 2817 N. Mountain Avenue FAX: 909.626.7030 |
| Claremont, CA 91711-1550 Bill_Purves at |