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farishg at CC4.ADAMS.EDU farishg at CC4.ADAMS.EDU
Tue Jun 18 10:27:52 EST 1996

>From farishg Tue Jun 18 09:40:46 0600 1996 remote from cc4.adams.edu
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 1996 09:40:46 -0600 (MDT)
From: Guy Farish <farishg at cc4.adams.edu>
To: plant-ed at net.bio.net
Subject: Electrophoresis in freshman labs
Message-ID: <Pine.SV4.3.91.960618092753.2199B-100000 at cc4.adams.edu>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Received: from cc4.adams.edu by cc4.adams.edu; Tue, 18 Jun 1996 09:40 MDT
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I just returned from the ABLE conference at which I attended a workshop 
on using SDS-PAGE on proteins from chicken breast.  It is designed and 
used in a first year biology course at the Univ. of Maryland.  The 
acrylamide gels are not toxic once they've polymerized, so you can pour 
them before class and not worry about the students.  They need to learn 
to work with hazardous materials eventually anyway.  The exercise fit 
nicely into a 3 hour lab, the students needed only to come back a day 
later (or at the next lab period) to view the stained gel.  You might 
contact Richard Racusen at rr2 at umail.umd.edu for the protocol.

Guy Farish
Biology Department
Adams State College
Alamosa, CO 81102
(719) 587-7969 FAX (719) 587-7242

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