We are a youth group who has purchased our plane tickets and will be
representing our project VillageQuest, an ecologically and economically
sustainable community proposed for the heart of Vancouver, Canada, at
Habitat II in Turkey.
We have been selected among Canada¹s Youth Best Environmental Practices¹.
We are looking to find international support for our prototype of an
urban living environment. It integrates sustainability through
technology, harmony with the environment, and principles of natural
VillageQuest has received extensive support and endorsement from the
business and architectural community in Vancouver, as well as the
municipal, provincial and federal levels of government in Canada.
Primarily designed and driven by youth, VillageQuest has been called
one of the most innovative and important projects to help sustain
ecological living in the next century.
We are interested in contacting as many people as possible in
Istanbul. We find that conferences often ignore the need for deep human
connection and we would like to create some kind of wholeness and
connection. If this project interests you please drop me a note and we
could perhaps know a little bit about each other before we reach Turkey.
BTW, we will be uploading documentation of our experiences of the
conference to a web site that is being well promoted across Canada and
with good fortune the world. We would be happy to look at any ideas you
have for the web site.
More about our project at http://bc-education.botany.ubc.ca/VH/index.