I am very intrigued by this. I seem to recall that one person confirmed the
recollection, but still don't know to which family this might refer. Any
additional info would be appreciated. Jane
In message <8619.199605100819 at clover.csv.warwick.ac.uk> Barry Meatyard writes:
> >
> >To:plant-ed at net.bio.net> >From:Barry.Meatyard at warwick.ac.uk (Barry Meatyard)
> >Subject:Inside out flowers
> >
> >
> >I seem to remember reading somewhile ago of the discovery of a new family of
> >flowering plants in which the carpels encircled the stamens rather than v.v.
> >as generally accepted. Can anyone shed any light on this or was I dreaming
> or
> >standing too close to something in my greenhouse that was giving off a
> strange
> >vapour?
> >
> >Thanks in advance, Barry
> >
> >Dr.Barry Meatyard Tel: 01203 524228 Fax: 10203 523237
> >Institute of Education Email: barry.meatyard at warwick.ac.uk> >University of Warwick
> >Coventry
> >CV4 7AL
> >UK
> >
Jane Dorweiler ** Regardless of what they say about the
Department of Plant Biology ** cat, curiosity is a good thing. It's
University of Minnesota ** what makes each and every one of us
dorwe001 at maroon.tc.umn.edu ** a scientist!!