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Endosperm divisions

David Starrett dstarret at BIOLOGY.SEMO.EDU
Sun Nov 17 23:47:09 EST 1996

  I'm back.  This anatomy class is pushing the envelope of my knowledge.  

Question: In developing endosperm, mitosis is occuring.  How does this work
with a triploid nucleus?  Since it is strictly mitotic, and therefore no
homologous pairing, it shouldn't be a major problem.  Still, is there
anything unusual about the process that anyone knows of?  Also, what is
known about gene expression in triploid tissue?  Anything unusual there?
Any difference in expression of particular genes due to dosage effects (i.e.
between 2n and 3n tissue)?

Any thoughts, etc on the subject are appreciated.

Thanx, (again)

  Dave Starrett
Dr. David Starrett
Biology Department, MS 6200
Southeast Missouri State University
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701, USA
(573) 651-2382
Fax: (573) 651-2223
email: dstarret at biology.semo.edu

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