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Monoecious and Terminology

ceumb at STOLAF.EDU ceumb at STOLAF.EDU
Wed Nov 20 08:14:29 EST 1996

As an addition to discussion about monoecious and other terminology
related to plant sexuality, I would suggest reading

	Cruden, R.W. and R.M. Lloyd. 1995. Embryophytes have
		equivalent sexual phenotypes and breeding systems: why
		not a common terminology to describe them? Am. J. Bot.

	Mogie, M. 1992. The evolution of asexual reproduction in
		plants. Chapman and Hall. London & New York. 
	(esp. good with the many terms like parthenogenesis that used in
	different ways by different authors).
-Charles Umbanhowar Jr.
Assistant Professor of Biology
St. Olaf College
Northfield, MN 55057 USA

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