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food of transgenic origin

David W. Kramer kramer.8 at OSU.EDU
Thu Oct 24 09:54:21 EST 1996

Pierre (and others who were interested in this thread recently):
The October, 1996 issue of BioScience (publication of the American
Institute of Biological Sciences), 46(9), page 665-673 has an interesting
article by Maurizio G. Paoletti and David Pimentel.  "Genetic engineering
in agriculture and the environment:  Assessing risks and benetits" has a
very extensive bibliography of more than 100 entries, by my rough estimate.

>Hi all,
>I am giving lectures on transgenic plants. I know that some
>product derived from transgenic plants (such as tomato puree
>or canned tomato) are already on the market in USA and in UK.
>It is not the case in France yet. In order to show students
>that transgenic products are already for sale, I would like
>to show them concrete proof of it. I then would be very happy
>if somebody (from US or UK) could send me (by snail mail) a
>label of a product derived from transgenic plants, with
>the mention of the transgenic origin printed on it.
>Thank you very much in advance.
>Biochimie et Physiologie Moleculaire des Plantes
>ENSA.M-INRA-CNRS URA 2311                              tel: (+33) 467612611
>Place Viala                                            fax: (+33) 467525737
>34060 MONTPELLIER Cedex 1                       e-mail: berthom at ensam.inra.fr

Dr. David W. Kramer
Department of Plant Biology
Ohio State University at Mansfield
1680 University Drive
Mansfield, OH  44906
(419) 755-4344  FAX:  (419) 755-4367
e-mail:  kramer.8 at osu.edu

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