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pilot scheme: do plants need art?

Dave Haas dhaas at uncfsu.campus.mci.net
Sun Sep 8 08:38:11 EST 1996

Artplant wrote:
> pilot scheme on the sensual perception of plants
> from july 4th untill september 21st i, Ute Ihlenfeldt, conduct research on
> the emotional life of plants in my (art-)studio in Bremen (germany). main
> objective is to gain more insight on the socio-asthetical awareness of
> plants.
> do plants have a sensual-auratic-atmospheric sense? can the perception of
> plants be compared to human feelings?   do plants have character and/or
> soul? do they have feelings and memories; do they perceive visual
> stimulation? can there be a physical and emotional relationship between
> plants and humans? are plants intellectual beings? are plants able to
> love? do plants feel fear? Are plants vain?
> interested in more?  http:/aol.com/artplant/index.html
> answers   mailto:artplant at aol.com

This post seems to indicate that if there IS inteligent life on this
planet it well may be found in the plant kingdom.

D. Haas

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