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Plants and Civilization course

Ross Koning Koning at ECSUC.CTSTATEU.EDU
Fri Sep 20 12:28:19 EST 1996

At  3:30 PM 9/18/96 -0700, Michael E. Held wrote:
>Dear Plant Folks:
>        I have been requested to teach a course entitled Plants and
>Civilization at my college.  This course is for non-science students. I am
>writing seeking help:  could someone give me the name of a good text [or
>readings that are appropriate]. A syllabus from a similar course would also
>be appreciated.

Hi Mike!

It's been forever...I hope things are going well for
you and Sue.  I don't know whether your course is going
more economic botany or more horticultural in focus,
but there are some really nice books on ethnobotany and/or
economic botany.  Examples include: Anna Lewington's book
Plants for People (Oxford Press).  I'm more into the
local, practical side of botany, so my course leans
more into horticulture.  If you have WWW access you can
surf to my web site (address below), there are links on
the home page to my BIO 207 Plants and Human Affairs
course schedule.  The schedule page has links to lecture
notes, old exams, lab exercises, and so on.  The syllabus
page shows probably my intersession book Brian Capon's
"Botany for Gardeners" (Timber Press), but another good
choice is D. R. Bienz' book "The How and Why of Home
Horticulture" (Freeman).

If you have other questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Good Luck!  Please give my regards to Sue.


Ross Koning                 | Koning at ecsu.ctstateu.edu
Biology Department          | http://koning.ecsu.ctstateu.edu/
Eastern CT State University | Phone: 860-465-5327
Willimantic, CT  06226  USA | Fax: 860-465-5213

                Plant Physiology is Phun!

 /\|___/\     //\______COOH   NH-CH2-CH=C-CH2OH  \/OH
|  |  |  |    |  |  ||       //\___     \CH3     /\|/\\/\\COOH
 \/ \/|\/|    \\/ \ /       N  ||  N            |  |
 /\ | |__|=        NH       |  || ||           //\//\
  | COOH                    \\ /\ /            O
  COOH        H2C=CH2         N  NH

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