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The full details of the 4th International Workshop on=20
Field Techniques for Environmental Physiology
to be held in Almeria, Spain, 30th March - 5th April, 1998
are now available through the updated PEPG Web pages:
In early january a further update will provide photos and an online
"registration of interest form".
Booking forms are ready to be sent out to all those who register interest
with us. Please note numbers are limited, so early booking is advisable.
For those without Web access I attach the details as an RTF format file,
MIME encoded. For those that cannot read this, the text is simply pasted
below, although this will lose formatting. Note costs are in sterling.
If you still cannot read this then please email me with a preferred format.
**Plant Environmental Physiology Group=20
**4th International Workshop on Field Techniques for Environmental=
Almer=EDa, Spain, 30th March to 5th April 1998
3rd Announcement
The workshop aims to introduce newer scientists to a range of plant
ecophysiological techniques for field measurements. The workshop will
emphasise training and include presentations from experienced practitioners,
equipment demonstrations and opportunities for hands-on work with
instruments. Participants are encouraged to bring their own equipment and
contribute to demonstrations and the sharing of experience. The practical
application of techniques will be illustrated through a field trip to see
on-going plant ecophysiological research in the area around Almer=EDa, one=
the driest regions in Europe. Numbers will be restricted to allow easy
communication between all participants.
Please look at the PEPG Web pages via
http://www.essex.ac.uk/bcs/pepghome.html for the latest information,
including photos and registration forms.
Monday 30th March
Registration and welcome meeting.=20
Tuesday 31st March
Talks and setting up instruments.=20
Wednesday 1st April=20
Demonstrations, practical sessions, talks.=20
Thursday 2nd April=20
Demonstrations, practical sessions, talks.
Workshop dinner.=20
Friday 3rd April
Excursion to see plant ecophysiological=20
research at EEZA field sites.=20
Saturday 4th April
Analysis and presentation of results from=20
practical sessions;
Summary and closure.=20
Sunday 5th April
** Talks and speakers
Planning field-based plant ecophysiological =20
To be confirmed=20
Measuring the microclimate of plants
James Morison,=20
University of Essex, UK=20
Measuring plant water potential and=20
hydraulic conductivity
Marisa Gallardo,=20
Universidad de Almer=EDa, Spain=20
Measuring sap flow and stand-scale=20
Denis Loustau,=20
INRA Recherche Foresti=E8res, France=20
Measuring plant gas exchange: photosynthesis and transpiration
Peter Farage,=20
University of Essex, UK=20
Fluorescence studies of photosynthesis
Jeremy Harbinson,=20
ATO-DLO, Wageningen, The Netherlands=20
Measuring canopy properties
To be confirmed=20
Measuring root system properties
Mark Smith,=20
Institute of Hydrology, UK=20
Measuring soil water content and potential
Chris Dirksen,=20
Wageningen Agricultural University,=20
The Netherlands=20
Measuring vegetation properties and productivity
To be confirmed=20
Plant ecophysiological research in SE Spain
Francisco Pugnaire,=20
EEZA, Almer=EDa, Spain=20
** Accommodation and transport
All participants will be accommodated in Hotel Playa Capricho, a 4* tourist
hotel, located in Roquetas de Mar, about 20 km from Almer=EDa. The hotel
offers comfortable rooms in a beach-side location. The cost of airport
transfers, lunch, coffee breaks and the workshop dinner will be included in
the workshop registration fee. Evening meals (except the workshop dinner)
are not included, as participants are expected to dine informally in the
many restaurants close to the hotel.
[please turn over
Although Almer=EDa has an international airport, it mostly handles holiday
charters in the summer season. Malaga is used by a wider range of airlines
and carries a much larger volume of flights, therefore providing cheaper and
more flexible travel options. We will provide coaches to transfer
participants from Malaga airport to the workshop hotel. There will be
coaches on Monday 30th March to meet inbound flights, and on Sunday 5th
April for outbound travel. The cost of the coaches will be included in the
workshop registration fee. Transfers at other times or to other airports
must be arranged by participants themselves.
**Equipment demonstrations
Equipment demonstrations and "hands-on" practical sessions will be held in
the garden of the hotel, which contains a wide range of trees, shrubs,
perennial and bedding plants. The demonstrations will be given by equipment
manufacturers, speakers and participants, and will be pre-scheduled before
the workshop. If you are interested in giving a demonstration, please
indicate this when registering, and give the amount of time required
(maximum 45 minutes).
**Field trip
There will be a full-day's coach trip to two field sites operated by EEZA,
to see their current field-based research and the typical vegetation of the
region. Two places of particular interest are (1) the highly-eroded
"badlands" in the Desierto de Tabernas. A site in this area is used by EEZA
for field studies of the interaction between climate change and
desertification processes (2) the Rambla Honda valley, with abandoned
farms, where EEZA are undertaking long-term studies of vegetation dynamics,
hydrology and erosion at this site
**Booklets for participants
All participants will receive a booklet containing summaries of the talks
given at the workshop. In addition, they will receive a copy of the
"Environmental Perspectives 1996/7" compendium issue of the Journal of
Experimental Botany containing all articles produced by the Third
International Workshop on Field Techniques for Ecophysiology (Rapolano,
Italy, September 1995) and previously published in the Journal between
September 1996 and May 1997.
The workshop is organised on behalf of the Plant Environmental Physiology
Group of the Society for Experimental Biology and the British Ecological
Society. Local support is being provided by the Estaci=F3n Experimental de
Zonas =C1ridas (EEZA), located in Almer=EDa. The organisers are James=
(University of Essex, United Kingdom), Simon Allen, (University of
Edinburgh, UK) and Francisco
Domingo (EEZA, Spain).
**Workshop Costs
The accommodation cost (bed and breakfast) will be approximately =A328 per
person per night shared double room, and =A336 for a single room. The full
workshop registration fee will be =A3270, reduced to =A3220 for full SEB=
BES members, =A3180 for bona-fide students (a letter from the institute will
be necessary) and =A3140 for current student members of the SEB or BES. As
explained above this fee covers cost of airport transfers via Malaga,
lunch, coffee breaks, workshop dinner, booklet, field excursion costs.
**Register for a booking form
To receive the booking form please use the on-line Registration Form via the
PEPG Web page: http://www.essex.ac.uk/bcs/pepghome.html or please send your
full name, email and postal addresses to:
Dr James I.L. Morison
JT Labs,
Dept of Biological Sciences Email: morisj at essex.ac.uk
University of Essex Fax: +44 1206 873416
Wivenhoe Park Tel: +44 1206 873327
Colchester CO4 3SQ UK
To aid in planning the workshop, please also indicate the topics (see list
of talks) that interest you most. Firm bookings and a registration fee will
be required by January 20th.
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\f4\fs20\lang2057 {\fs24\ul Plant Environmental Physiology Group
\par }\pard \qc\widctlpar\box\brdrs\brdrw15\brsp20 \shading1000 {\fs24 4th International Workshop on Field Techniques for Environmental Physiology
\par Almer\'eda, Spain, 30th March to 5th April 1998
\par }\pard \qc\widctlpar {\i\fs24 3rd Announcement
\par }\pard \widctlpar {\ul Outline
\par }\pard \qj\widctlpar The workshop aims to introduce newer scientists to a range of plant eco
physiological techniques for field measurements. The workshop will emphasise training and include presentations from experienced practitioners, equipment demonstrations and opportunities for hands-on work with instruments. Participants are encouraged to b
ring their own equipment and contribute to demonstrations and the sharing of experience. The practical application of techniques will be illustrated through a field trip to see on-going plant ecophysiological research in the area around Almer\'ed
a, one of the driest regions in Europe. Numbers will be restricted to allow easy communication between all participants.
\par \pard \qj\widctlpar Please look at the PEPG Web pages via http://www.essex.ac.uk/bcs/pepghome.html for the latest information, including photos and registration forms.
\par \pard \widctlpar
\par {\ul Programme
\par }\pard \widctlpar {\i
\par }\sect \sectd \psz9\sbknone\linex0\headery709\footery907\cols2\endnhere \pard\plain \widctlpar \f4\fs20\lang2057 {\i Monday 30}{\i\super th}{\i March
\par } Registration and welcome meeting.
\par {\i Tuesday 31}{\i\super st}{\i March
\par } Talks and setting up instruments.
\par {\i Wednesday 1}{\i\super st}{\i April
\par } Demonstrations, practical sessions, talks.
\par {\i Thursday 2}{\i\super nd}{\i }{\i\super }{\i April
\par } Demonstrations, practical sessions, talks.
\par Workshop dinner.
\par {\i
\par Friday 3}{\i\super rd}{\i April
\par } Excursion to see plant ecophysiological
\par research at EEZA field sites.
\par {\i Saturday 4}{\i\super th}{\i April
\par } Analysis and presentation of results from
\par practical sessions;
\par Summary and closure.
\par {\i Sunday 5}{\i\super th}{\i April
\par } Departure
\par \pard \widctlpar
\par {\i \sect }\sectd \psz9\sbknone\linex0\headery709\footery907\colsx709\endnhere \pard\plain \widctlpar \f4\fs20\lang2057 {\ul Talks and speakers
\par }\pard \widctlpar {\ul
\par }\sect \sectd \psz9\sbknone\linex0\headery709\footery907\cols2\endnhere \pard\plain \widctlpar \f4\fs20\lang2057 Planning field-based plant ecophysiological
\par research
\par {\i To be confirmed
\par }Measuring the microclimate of plants
\par James Morison,
\par University of Essex, UK
\par Measuring plant water potential and
\par hydraulic conductivity
\par Marisa Gallardo,
\par Universidad de Almer\'eda, Spain
\par Measuring sap flow and stand-scale
\par transpiration
\par Denis Loustau,
\par INRA Recherche Foresti\'e8res, France
\par \pard \widctlpar Measuring plant gas exchange: photosynthesis and transpiration
\par \pard \widctlpar Peter Farage,
\par \pard \widctlpar University of Essex, UK \column Fluorescence studies of photosynthesis
\par \pard \widctlpar Jeremy Harbinson,
\par ATO-DLO, Wageningen, The Netherlands
\par Measuring canopy properties
\par {\i To be confirmed
\par }Measuring root system properties
\par Mark Smith,
\par Institute of Hydrology, UK
\par Measuring soil water content and potential
\par Chris Dirksen,
\par Wageningen Agricultural University,
\par The Netherlands
\par \pard \widctlpar Measuring vegetation properties and productivity
\par \pard \widctlpar {\i To be confirmed
\par }Plant ecophysiological research in SE Spain
\par Francisco Pugnaire,
\par EEZA, Almer\'eda, Spain
\par \pard \widctlpar
\par \sect \sectd \psz9\sbknone\linex0\headery709\footery907\colsx709\endnhere \pard\plain \widctlpar \f4\fs20\lang2057 {\i Accommodation and transport
\par }\pard \widctlpar All participants will be accommodated in Hotel Playa Capricho, a 4* tourist hotel, located in Roquetas de Mar, about 20 km from Almer\'eda. The hotel offers comfortable room
s in a beach-side location. The cost of airport transfers, lunch, coffee breaks and the workshop dinner will be included in the workshop registration fee. Evening meals (except the workshop dinner) are not included, as participants are expected to dine i
nformally in the many restaurants close to the hotel.
\par \pard \widctlpar {\i [please turn over\page }Although Almer\'eda has an international airport, it mostly handles holiday charters in the summer season. Malaga is used by a wider range of airlines and carries a much larger volume of f
lights, therefore providing cheaper and more flexible travel options. We will provide coaches to transfer participants from Malaga airport to the workshop hotel. There will be coaches on Monday 30{\super th}
March to meet inbound flights, and on Sunday 5th April for outbound travel. The cost of the coaches will be included in the workshop registration fee. Transfers at other times or to other airports must be arranged by participants themselves.
\par \pard \widctlpar
\par {\ul Equipment demonstrations
\par }\pard \widctlpar Equipment demonstrations and "hands-on" prac
tical sessions will be held in the garden of the hotel, which contains a wide range of trees, shrubs, perennial and bedding plants. The demonstrations will be given by equipment manufacturers, speakers and participants, and will be pre-scheduled before th
e workshop. If you are interested in giving a demonstration, please indicate this when registering, and give the amount of time required (maximum 45 minutes).
\par \pard \widctlpar
\par {\ul Field trip
\par }\pard \widctlpar There will be a full-day's coach trip to two field sites operated by EEZA, to see thei
r current field-based research and the typical vegetation of the region. Two places of particular interest are (1) the highly-eroded "badlands" in the Desierto de Tabernas. A site in this area is used by EEZA for field studies of the interaction between c
limate change and desertification processes (2) the Rambla Honda valley, with abandoned farms, where EEZA are undertaking long-term studies of vegetation dynamics, hydrology and erosion at this site
\par \pard \widctlpar
\par {\ul Booklets for participants
\par }\pard \widctlpar All participants will receive
a booklet containing summaries of the talks given at the workshop. In addition, they will receive a copy of the "Environmental Perspectives 1996/7" compendium issue of the Journal of Experimental Botany containing all articles produced by the Third Intern
ational Workshop on Field Techniques for Ecophysiology (Rapolano, Italy, September 1995) and previously published in the Journal between September 1996 and May 1997.
\par \pard \widctlpar
\par {\ul Organisation
\par }\pard \widctlpar The workshop is organised on behalf of the Plant Environmental Physiology Group of the Society for Experimental Biology and the British Ecological Society. Local support is being provided by the Estaci\'f3n Experimental de Zonas \'c1
ridas (EEZA), located in Almer\'eda. The organisers are James Morison (University of Essex, United Kingdom), Simon Allen, (University of Edinburgh, UK) and Francisco
\par \pard \widctlpar Domingo (EEZA, Spain).
\par {\ul Workshop Costs
\par }\pard \widctlpar The accommodation cost (bed and breakfast) will be approximately \'a328 per person per night shared double room, and \'a336 for a single room. The full workshop registration fee will be \'a3270, reduced to \'a3
220 for full SEB or BES members, \'a3180 for bona-fide students (a letter from the institute will be necessary) and \'a3140 for current student members of the SEB or BES. As explained above this fee covers cost of airport
transfers via Malaga, lunch, coffee breaks, workshop dinner, booklet, field excursion costs.
\par \pard \widctlpar
\par {\ul Register for a booking form
\par }\pard \widctlpar To receive the booking form please use the on-line Registration Form via the PEPG Web page: http://www.essex.ac.uk/bcs/pepghome.html or please send your full name, email and postal addresses to:
\par \pard \widctlpar
\par \pard \fi720\widctlpar Dr James I.L. Morison
\par JT Labs,
\par Dept of Biological Sciences\tab \tab \tab Email: morisj at essex.ac.uk
\par University of Essex\tab \tab \tab \tab Fax: +44 1206 873416
\par Wivenhoe Park\tab \tab \tab \tab \tab Tel: +44 1206 873327
\par Colchester\tab CO4 3SQ \tab UK
\par \pard \widctlpar
\par \pard \widctlpar To aid in planning the workshop, please also indicate the topics (see list of talks) that interest you most. Firm bookings and a registration fee will be required by January 20th.
\par }
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Dr James I.L. Morison,
Department of Biological Sciences,
John Tabor Laboratories,
University of Essex,
Wivenhoe Park,
Colchester CO4 3SQ UK
tel +44 (0)1206 873327 fax +44 (0)1206 873416
email:morisj at essex.ac.ukhttp://www.essex.ac.uk/bcs/index.html