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Ph.D. position

Hans Jaohen yao at mailer.uni-marburg.de
Sat Feb 15 17:15:53 EST 1997

Dr. Matthias Ullrich
Karl-von-Frisch-Strasse, 35043 Marburg / Lahn, Germany
Tel: (49) 6421 178 600, Fax: (49) 6421 178 609
e-mail: ullrichm at mailer.uni-marburg.de


The Max-Planck-Institut für terrestrische Mikrobiologie is seeking a hig
hly motivated individual who wants to accomplish the doctoral degree (Dr
. rer nat = Ph.D.) in microbial molecular biology at the Philippsunivers
ität Marburg/Germany. Respectable salary funding is based on the German 
BAT 2A/2 and is available for a total of three years.

The position is available immediately to study protein-protein interacti
ons on the molecular level. We investigate the biochemical mechanism by 
which a bacterial histidine protein kinase can activate a pair of transc
riptional response regulator proteins in the gram-negative phytopathogen
ic bacterium Pseudomonas syringae. The environmental signal involved in 
this signal transduction system is low temperature. Molecular techniques 
to be acquired will be site directed mutagensis, DNA binding studies (in
cluding DNAse foot print analysis and gel retardation), the two-hybrid-s
ystem, transcriptional analysis (including determination of the transcri
ptional start site of target genes) and all basic techniques of molecula
r biology. For more information please refer to Journal of Bacteriology 
177(21):6160-6169 or contact us via e-mail.

The Max-Planck-Institut in Marburg is a well-funded newly established re
search facility with state-of-the-art scientific equipment and outstandi
ng intellectual background.

Applicants should forward their letter of application and CV in either E
nglish or German to the address listed above or via e-mail. Deadline for 
receiving applications is March 1, 1997.

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