>From farishg Tue Feb 18 17:01:49 0700 1997 remote from cc4.adams.edu
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 1997 17:01:49 -0700 (MST)
From: Guy Farish <farishg at cc4.adams.edu>
To: plant-ed at net.bio.net
Subject: www use
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One concern that I have regarding www use and citations of information
from the web is the transient nature of web pages. Some will remain
unchanged for years, but others change almost daily or disappear altogether.
How can I evaluate a reference that I cannot find, or that might be different
than when the author of a paper accessed it? It's not that far-fetched,
I've already had it happen.
Guy Farish
Biology Department
Adams State College
Alamosa, CO 81102
(719) 587-7969 FAX (719) 587-7242