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Sinapis alba

Carl Pike C_Pike at ACAD.FANDM.EDU
Fri Jan 24 14:42:17 EST 1997

This note is prompted by Barry Meatyard's posting, in which he mentions the
use of Sinapis alba, white mustard. I know this species is widely used in
photomorphogenesis research.  But I do not know where to purchase it in the
US. Or even, for that matter, from whom to order it in Europe.  So I would
appreciate any responses from folks on either side of the Atlantic.  Thanks

Carl S. Pike                             (717) 291-3958
Department of Biology                    FAX (717) 399-4548
Franklin and Marshall College            Internet  C_PIKE at ACAD.FANDM.EDU
P.O. Box 3003
Lancaster, PA  17604-3003  USA

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