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bio sequence

Carl Pike C_Pike at ACAD.FANDM.EDU
Fri Jan 24 14:41:52 EST 1997

Since today is the first day of the semester, this will have to be brief.
A few years ago we switched to the following sequence, which I think is
working fairly well.  The advantage of starting "macro" and working "down"
is that most students tend to be more familiar with (and many are more
comfortable with) the "macro" topics, and they certainly have had
experience with mendelian genetics.  By the time the cell/molecular topics
are presented (second semester sophomore year), they've had 2 (in most
cases 3) semesters of chemistry, and are generally more mature
intellectually.   If anyone is interested in details, contact me.  We begin
in the second semester of freshman year (so students can take chem and math
in the fall, and get a good start on the demands of college).  We require 4
courses (with plants and animals included in all), in order:
1) mendelian and population genetics, evolution, ecology
2) physiology and development
3) cell/molecular biology
4) genetics (mostly molecular and developmental)

Carl S. Pike                             (717) 291-3958
Department of Biology                    FAX (717) 399-4548
Franklin and Marshall College            Internet  C_PIKE at ACAD.FANDM.EDU
P.O. Box 3003
Lancaster, PA  17604-3003  USA

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