IUBio GIL .. BIOSCI/Bionet News .. Biosequences .. Software .. FTP

G. Bio. Labs

Deborah A. Cook dcook at CAU.EDU
Fri Jan 31 16:31:23 EST 1997

The discussion about the content and sequencing of general biology
courses has been great!!  For me it's really timely because we will be
revising our course, but I would like to raise additional questions to
the group.  Although, I'm in favor of the problem based learning and
various types of investigative research projects for all students, it
becomes a daunting exercise when faced with LARGE CLASSES, INDIFFERENT

So, does anybody out there have any ideas about lab exercises that may
be more investigative, that work or demonstrate some important
biological phenomenon in some way, and don't cost much to do?  I have
certain favorites and have dabbled with Fast Plants too


Deb Cook
Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences
Clark Atlanta University
Atlanta, GA 30314

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