Next semester, I will be teaching Introduction to Ecology at a small
Northern Ontario University-College that offers only the first 2 years of
a biology program. By training, I am a plant taxonomist and have been
out of academia for a number of years, so am not up on the latest
references. I am requesting suggestions or opinions from experienced
ecologists and teachers of ecology on basic ecology textbooks. Two texts
that have been suggested are "Concepts of Ecology" 4rd edition, by E.J.
Kormondy (1996) and Elements of Ecology" 3rd edition, by R.L. Smith
(1992). I have a copy of Smith that I am reviewing, but have not been
able to find a 4th edition of Kormondy for comparison. I would
apprecieate any comments or suggestions from experienced ecology
Thank you,
Susan J. Meades
sjmeades at