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learn about plants in peru

stewie stewie at pobox.com
Tue Nov 4 13:19:45 EST 1997

   If you¹re inspired to do something for humanity, come join the
Rainforest Health Project on an unforgettable adventure into the heart of
the Amazon jungle. RHP needs medical volunteers ­ doctors, nurses, dentists
­ and non-medical volunteers to help treat Indian villagers in
north-eastern Peru.

   Working in bamboo hut clinics, you can help ensure that hundreds of
indigenous people ­ many of whom have no other access to health care ­
continue to receive desperately needed medical attention. 

   Expeditions are two weeks long and depart four times a year from Miami,
Florida. Only the serious need apply, as each volunteer must pay his or her
own travel expenses, or find a sponsor. But RHP will organize the rest and
you will be rewarded with a truly remarkable and satisfying experience.

   RHP is a registered non-profit organization based in Minnesota. It has
been taking teams to the Peruvinan Amazon since 1993. Can¹t make a trip but
still want to help? RHP also urgently needs drugs and medical equipment,
and, of course, that elusive thing called cash! All donations are

Check us out at: www.pobox/com/~rhp/

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