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polar nuclei

Janice M. Glime jmglime at MTU.EDU
Sun Nov 23 12:08:31 EST 1997

  I tried sending this to Geeta by reply, but it bounced back to me.  I
apologize for cluttering everyone else's mail.
> 	for <geeta at life.cc.sunysb.edu>; Sun, 23 Nov 1997 12:04:11 -0500 (EST)
>   Thank you for the information on Lilium.  It looks like we cannot make
> any assumptions among the Liliaceae, and I wonder if even all members of
> Lilium behave in the same way.  It sounds like the safest plan is to teach
> students that it can occur either way, depending on the taxon.  In slides
> I have seen, I have been able to distinguish two polar nuclei in the
> center of some, but since not all sections are median, I cannot tell if
> the absence of a second one in others is due to the cut or to fusion. 
> Janice
> ***********************************
>  Janice M. Glime, Professor  
>  Department of Biological Sciences
>  Michigan Technological University
>  Houghton, MI 49931-1295
>  jmglime at mtu.edu
>  906-487-2546
>  FAX 906-487-3167 
> ***********************************

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