IUBio GIL .. BIOSCI/Bionet News .. Biosequences .. Software .. FTP

interesting for environmentalists

Luciano Pagetto pagetto at bigfoot.com
Mon Jul 6 07:45:49 EST 1998

Good morning everybody,

Just a word to introduce and announce our new effort lo lend a hand and give
to people involved in the environmental field.

Our web site http://www.webspace.it/webcreation is specially dedicated to
individual or organization who want to get into the web with trained
service providers and web designer used to environmental concerns.
Take a look at the prices and you see the differences.

Many tanks

Alessandra & Luciano Pagetto

E-mail pagetto at bigfoot.com

Live as this would be your last day
Work as if you don't need the money
Love as if you have never been hurt,
And dance as if nobody is watching!

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