One additional piece of information about Snappy.
This is their URL
I plan to upgrade mine soon.
Jason Potter
Lee Hadden wrote:
> Does anyone know a source for new or used [but in good condition]
> time-lapse video recorders? I need one for new Plant Biology lab projects
> and research I want to implement but have found only a fawned they were
> priced beyond our budget. I need the type that could record plant growth
> responses such as seed germination, tropisms, pollen tube growth, etc. I
> would buy one with my own money, if it were affordable, just to have one
> and bring a new and dynamic experience to the students.
>> Along this line, is there a clearing-house for used or no longer needed lab
> and teaching equipment? Maybe an on-line "swap list" , registry for
> large-university or research company willing- to-donate-to-smaller
> [private] colleges" [great tax write-off CEO's!]? I have heard from
> friends in industry and private business sector of instruments they
> upgraded, but either junked to make space, or store forever [and never to
> use again]. They've commented, "Gee, I wish we had known you needed one-we
> just bought five and scrapped three old ones!"
> How about a trading web site to post material to sell, donate, swap, along
> with a "need to obtain" list? Someone out there ought to be clever enough
> to get one going!
>> Thanks.
>> Lee Hadden
> Department of Biology
> Wingate University
> Wingate, NC 28174
>>hadden at